About Us


About Us

Since 2007, The Next Level of Performance team have been innovating and expanding our water optimization technology to address the the world’s most complex water challenges. We work closely with our customers and strategic partners to understand their evolving needs and issues, and then map those understandings into customized solutions that improve business results. And, we assure our solutions are flexible and adaptable to accommodate the ever changing environmental landscape.

We pride ourselves in our certified technologies and business competencies, delivering solutions that provide a sustainable competitive advantage, flexibility, profitability and growth for our customers in healthcare, agriculture, horticulture, aquaculture and commercial industries.

Though extensive research, we have expanded our technology with Naiad™ Point-of-Use Systems to provide clean, fresh and safe drinking water for all to enjoy right from their tap!

We are proud to support the Wounded Veterans Relief Fund by directing 10% from all Naiad™Water Restoration Systems purchases globally.